2016年1月26日 星期二




過去工作期間隱隱有些偏頭痛症狀,以為盡量放鬆心情去面對即可,努力了半年多肚皮確一點消息都沒有,常自嘲肚子的肉說,媽媽床都準備好了,寶寶怎麼都不快來chick in。前後做了二次不同項目的不孕症檢查,才發現腦下腺之垂體腺性分泌乳激素過高,使得我一直排卵異常,醫生診斷可能與我之前頭痛也有關系,生活步調忙碌、作息不正常都是問題,與夫討論後我們在高齡邊緣可能會每況愈下,最後決定離開職場養身準備生育。隨後吃了2個月的藥尚不見效,急性子的我開始煩燥,好在猴寶知道媽媽等不及,治療第4個月後就chick in讓我放下心中的不安。


2016年1月18日 星期一

Gratefulness! 想快樂?感謝吧!


前陣子收到友人訴說恐有憂鬱症狀況,我發現只要是人,或多或少都有心情低落不知怎麼快樂的時候吧!聊了好一會兒,其實我也不知道對她是否有幫助,剛好看到這位智者David Steindl-Rast演說,個人覺得受益良多,想快樂?感謝吧!

There is something I know about everyone of you and that's very central to your concerns,
and that is that all of us want to be happy.

We all know quite a number of people who have everything that it would take to be happy,
and they are not happy.
Because they want something else or they want more of the same.
And we all know people who have lots of misfortune, misfortune that we ourselves would not want to have and they are deeply happy.
They radiate happiness. You are surprised. (散發/閃耀)
Why? Because they are grateful.

So it is not happiness that make us grateful!
It's gratefulness that makes us happy.
We can be people who live gratefully.
Grateful living,that is the thing.

You are really grateful for is the opportunity, not the thing that is given to you,because if that thing were somewhere else and you didn't have the opportunity to enjoy it, to do something with it, you wouldn't be grateful for it.
You find that most of the time, what is given to us, is opportunity to enjoy, and we only miss it because we are rushing through life and we are not stopping to see the opportunity.

The way is "Stop.Look.Go"
When you stop, then the next thing is to look. You look. You open your eyes. You open your ears. You open your nose. You open all your senses for this wonderful richness that is given to us.
There is no end to it, and that is what life is all about, to enjoy, to enjoy what is given to us,
And then we can also open our hearts, our hearts for the opportunities, for the opportunities also to help others, to make others happy, because nothing makes us more happy than when all of us are happy.

引用 TED中英字幕: 想快樂?感謝吧!

2016年1月1日 星期五




刺身拼盤 NT.1280/2人份

海陸火鍋 NT.1980/2人份
吃飽晚飯後,我們前往Jolly去等待跨年,坐在沙發區看著電視屏的跨年節目,除了我這個孕婦之外,大家喝著它著名的手工啤酒,我則喝泰式奶茶,夫喝的Jolly 經典啤酒組合還滿有趣,送上來一整排就很威,他說每一款喝起來很不一樣。大夥玩桌遊了一陣子,可惜最後被告知不能玩牌,還好只剩到數10分鐘了!快到跨年到數時,店家還提供免費啤酒一杯與拉炮,全店客人們在最後一秒一起拉炮歡慶,今年孕媽媽也不適合去外面人擠人,與朋友熱熱鬧鬧跨年挺棒的。

Jolly 經典啤酒組合 NT.304